I have not had a Sunday this productive in a long time. I showered, ate AND saved 3 galaxies, ALL BEFORE NOON!!! Of course, I am getting hungry again and the princess is still trapped in Bowser's Castle, so I still have plenty of work left for this afternoon. My boss says that she works harder at home than she does at work, using today as my example, I would have to agree with her.
Here are some other ideas next time I am feeling productive on Sunday Mornings:
- Bedazzling all of Matt's suits before he wakes up
- Making yeti outfits of all of his suits before he wakes up
- Flowbee'ing Matt's hair until he woke up.
- Printing labels for EVERYTHING on is desk, so he is sure know where everything
- Water torture with by slowly squeezing ShamWOW (those things hold a ton of water)