
Just Another Reason Falkore is Cooler than Brooklyn Dragons.

There are Dragons that live above the elevator at work. I try not to talk about them because the staff freaks out at Bed Bugs, I can only imagine what they would do if they knew we worked with dragons. I know they are there because I am smarter than anyone I work with I hear them all the time when I am in the elevator. They make a lot of mechanical sounding noise, they breathe fire explaining why it is always so hot and sometimes they get pissed and decide they do not want to elevator to work anymore.

I got to work today and get into the elevator, at which point I hear all the dragons going nuts. I have always had suspicion that they have raging parties that start the moment we all leave work on Friday. Naturally, I thought that they partied so hard this weekend that they forgot to settle it down by Monday morning, but by the time I got down to the Basement, I realized that they were not partying at all. They were pissed, and it was going to be one of "those days".

I went to my office and saw on my calendar that I have one of the most dreaded meetings ever today. I decided to make these two unfortunate things work for me.... because when it comes down to it, I AM a Silver Lining kind of girl. So I proceeded to ride the elevator up and down over and over again for 3 hours. I have learned that the dragons enjoy when I do Kung Fu Fighting while alone in the elevator, so I resisted the urge today, because ultimately I was there to piss them off. Instead, I opted for the Macarana to pass the time. I knew I was on the verge of seeing the dragon's true rage when I had to go to my meeting. Not 10 minutes after I left for my meeting, the dragons finally felt the rage and shut the elevator down trapping a client in it. DAMN YOU DRAGONS THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME TRAPPED IN THERE BUT INSTEAD I SPENT 2 HOURS IN POINTLESS MEETINGS WHEN I COULD HAVE BEEN SITTING IN AN ELEVATOR WAITING ON GOOD LOOKING FIREFIGHTERS!!!!! Falkore would have never let me down like that.
I only tell you this story because tomorrow is "Embrace your Geekness Day", and if you are looking for a way to cheer me up after my horrible day..... I offer you this FANTASTICALLY AWESOME IDEA!

1 Comment(s):

Brad said...

I'm afraid I'm going to have dissent. Falkore is a pervert. You're better off with your elevator dragons.