
Loser is a four letter word

I got home from work today and realized I am embarrassed. This has not happened in years since I was born with very little shame and "embarrassment" is generally a foreign feeling. I took my computer to work to give my story on "Crazy Crippy" and when it was over, a coworker took my computer and started looking at my desktop files, which are mainly photos. I didn't care much since I had recently removed all midget porn from the desktop, so I let him explore. After I got home, I realize that there is a picture labeled "Dad".

******Back Story*******

I had a friend in another life time that would feed my need to play stupid games and had no problem following me when I left reality.

Me: "Wow look, everyone on the interstate has a ladder. There must be a midget convention going on."
Her: "let's stop and get a Creative Loafing and find out where. We can probably get a $10 midget."

We lived in a crap town at the time that only had a Wal*Mart and 2 bars (one for when you were in the mood to get beat by a pool stick and one for when you were in the mood to watch redneck women with 4 kids dance half naked on the bar). We had a game we would play called "There's your dad". There was a man that we would see anywhere we went. No matter where we were he would show up. He was our real life Waldo, if Waldo was a very round 5'5" man that looked like a bowling ball in the Jewish mafia. The game consisted of who ever saw him first to call it by announcing it very loudly "There's your dad".

So now I sit here realizing that after over 10 years I am the ultimate loser of "That's your dad" because now my co-worker thinks that half my genetic make-up comes from this man.

1 Comment(s):

Melanie said...

Yes! I win!!