
Holey Productive Day, Batman!!!

I have not had a Sunday this productive in a long time. I showered, ate AND saved 3 galaxies, ALL BEFORE NOON!!! Of course, I am getting hungry again and the princess is still trapped in Bowser's Castle, so I still have plenty of work left for this afternoon. My boss says that she works harder at home than she does at work, using today as my example, I would have to agree with her.

Here are some other ideas next time I am feeling productive on Sunday Mornings:

  1. Bedazzling all of Matt's suits before he wakes up
  2. Making yeti outfits of all of his suits before he wakes up
  3. Flowbee'ing Matt's hair until he woke up.
  4. Printing labels for EVERYTHING on is desk, so he is sure know where everything
  5. Water torture with by slowly squeezing ShamWOW (those things hold a ton of water)
Looks like I need to go shopping.

1 Comment(s):

T.Church said...

That was bedazzling.