
If I owned a midget, he would live in a pear tree

I am home alone for a week and this means one thing. I need to get this place clean so there is room for me to build the Fort To End All Forts. The only problem is I feel cleaning is for suckers. Just another good reason to own a midget. So this leaves me sitting on the couch talking to myself , wearing yesterdays clothes (because showering on Sunday is also for suckers), thinking about how I should go to the gym while picking the chex out of the chex mix and wondering why there is no ice cream in the freezer. Some may look at this pathetic display laid back display and ask, "what is wrong with her?" After some serious thought, I am pretty sure I know where my life took a turn. It was when Breaking Bonaduce got canceled. I would like to talk about the massive negative impact this had on society as a whole, but we have to remember that this is all about me. I was never given the chance to have closure with Danny being snatched out of my life so suddenly.

So with this new sense enlightenment, I think I wil
l spend my day looking for a midget to clean this place up so I can build my fort which I will do as a shrine to Danny Bonaduce.

6 Comment(s):

T.Church said...

I have been extolling the virtues of midgetry for the last two weeks to Essie. In fact, I have the grand desire to start perhaps the first (too lazy to actually check) midget online dating site.

Subliminally Incognito said...

Turns out they have tons. There is even Luv4littlepeople.com for the illiterate ones..... Little people are such whores.

T.Church said...

Maybe I should start a midget renting site then... To simplify the process. Instead of just sitting around wishing you had a midget, you could just sign up and have one shipped to your door Whylie Coyote ACME style.

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know I am a master fort maker....once you get the midget let me know. We can send them over to my place to clean and then get started on that fort....btw do you have spray foam, or should I bring my own?

Subliminally Incognito said...

Spray Foam!!!!! You have taken fort making to the next level. I was thinking more along the lines of wrapping rubber bands on chairs to hold blankets in place. I am SO much more excited now.

Ritchie ken said...

123.hp.com/setup 6974